Various ways to say “I need to go to the bathroom” in Chinese

The common expressions

我要去厕所 (Wǒ yào qù cèsuǒ)


This is a straightforward and common way to say “I need to go to the bathroom.”


我要去厕所,马上回来。 (Wǒ yào qù cèsuǒ, mǎshàng huílái.) I need to go to the bathroom, I’ll be back soon.

对不起,我要去厕所。 (Duìbuqǐ, wǒ yào qù cèsuǒ.) Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom.

会议中途,我突然想去厕所。 (Huìyì zhōngtú, wǒ tūrán xiǎng qù cèsuǒ.) During the meeting, I suddenly needed to go to the bathroom.

我要上洗手间 (Wǒ yào shàng xǐshǒujiān)


This is a more polite and formal way to say “I need to go to the bathroom.”


对不起,我要上洗手间。 (Duìbuqǐ, wǒ yào shàng xǐshǒujiān.) Excuse me, I need to go to the restroom.

请问洗手间在哪里?我要上洗手间。 (Qǐngwèn xǐshǒujiān zài nǎlǐ? Wǒ yào shàng xǐshǒujiān.) Excuse me, where is the restroom? I need to go.

我们可以先停一下吗?我要上洗手间。 (Wǒmen kěyǐ xiān tíng yīxià ma? Wǒ yào shàng xǐshǒujiān.) Can we stop for a moment? I need to use the restroom.

我去方便一下 (Wǒ qù fāngbiàn yīxià)


This is a polite and indirect way to say you need to go to the bathroom.


对不起,我去方便一下。 (Duìbuqǐ, wǒ qù fāngbiàn yīxià.) Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom.

开会前,我先去方便一下。 (Kāihuì qián, wǒ xiān qù fāngbiàn yīxià.) Before the meeting, I’ll go to the bathroom.

电影快开始了,我去方便一下。 (Diànyǐng kuài kāishǐ le, wǒ qù fāngbiàn yīxià.) The movie is about to start, I’ll go to the bathroom.

The extended phrases to express “I need to go to the bathroom” in Chinese

我要上大号/上小号。(Wǒ yào shàng dàhào/shàng xiǎohào)


These phrases specifically refer to needing to go to the bathroom for a bowel movement (大号) or urination (小号).


我肚子疼,要上大号。 (Wǒ dùzi téng, yào shàng dàhào.) My stomach hurts, I need to go for a bowel movement.

等我一下,我要上小号。 (Děng wǒ yīxià, wǒ yào shàng xiǎohào.) Wait for me a moment, I need to go pee.

他每次吃完饭都要上大号。 (Tā měi cì chī wán fàn dōu yào shàng dàhào.) He needs to go for a bowel movement every time after eating.

我去解个小手/解个大手。(Wǒ qù jiě gè xiǎoshǒu/jiě gè dàshǒu)


These are euphemistic and somewhat playful ways to say you need to urinate (解小手) or have a bowel movement (解大手).


我去解个小手,马上回来。 (Wǒ qù jiě gè xiǎoshǒu, mǎshàng huílái.) I’m going to take a pee, I’ll be right back.

抱歉,我需要解个大手。 (Bàoqiàn, wǒ xūyào jiě gè dàshǒu.) Sorry, I need to take a bowel movement.

我去解个小手,等一下再聊。 (Wǒ qù jiě gè xiǎoshǒu, děng yīxià zài liáo.) I’m going to pee, let’s talk in a bit.

我需要上厕所 (Wǒ xūyào shàng cèsuǒ)


This phrase emphasizes the need to use the bathroom.


我需要上厕所,能借过一下吗? (Wǒ xūyào shàng cèsuǒ, néng jièguò yīxià ma?) I need to go to the bathroom, can you let me pass?

司机,我需要上厕所,可以停一下吗? (Sījī, wǒ xūyào shàng cèsuǒ, kěyǐ tíng yīxià ma?) Driver, I need to go to the bathroom, can you stop for a moment?

我得去厕所 (Wǒ děi qù cèsuǒ


This phrase uses “得” (děi) to emphasize the necessity of going to the bathroom.


我得去厕所,一会儿见。 (Wǒ děi qù cèsuǒ, yīhuìr jiàn.) I have to go to the bathroom, see you in a bit.

不好意思,我得去厕所。 (Bù hǎoyìsi, wǒ děi qù cèsuǒ.) Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom.

我们先停一下吧,我得去厕所。 (Wǒmen xiān tíng yīxià ba, wǒ děi qù cèsuǒ.) Let’s stop for a moment, I have to go to the bathroom.

我需要去卫生间 (Wǒ xūyào qù wèishēngjiān)


This phrase uses “卫生间” (wèishēngjiān) for restroom.


我需要去卫生间,能告诉我在哪吗? (Wǒ xūyào qù wèishēngjiān, néng gàosu wǒ zài nǎ ma?) I need to go to the restroom, can you tell me where it is?

抱歉,我需要去卫生间。 (Bàoqiàn, wǒ xūyào qù wèishēngjiān.) Sorry, I need to go to the restroom.

开会前,我需要去一下卫生间。 (Kāihuì qián, wǒ xūyào qù yīxià wèishēngjiān.) Before the meeting, I need to go to the restroom.

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