Various ways to say “Take care of yourself” in Chinese

The common expressions

保重 (Bǎozhòng)


This is a common and formal way to say “Take care” in Chinese.


路上保重。 (Lùshang bǎozhòng.) Take care on the way.

请多保重。 (Qǐng duō bǎozhòng.) Please take good care of yourself.

离开家乡后要保重。 (Líkāi jiāxiāng hòu yào bǎozhòng.) Take care after leaving your hometown.

照顾好自己 (Zhàogù hǎo zìjǐ)


This phrase directly translates to “Take good care of yourself.”


在外面要照顾好自己。 (Zài wàimiàn yào zhàogù hǎo zìjǐ.) Take good care of yourself when you’re outside.

工作太忙,也要照顾好自己。 (Gōngzuò tài máng, yě yào zhàogù hǎo zìjǐ.) Even if work is busy, you should still take good care of yourself.

照顾好自己,别累坏了。 (Zhàogù hǎo zìjǐ, bié lèi huài le.) Take good care of yourself and don’t get too tired.

The extended phrases to express “Take care of yourself” in Chinese

多保重身体 (Duō bǎozhòng shēntǐ)


This phrase emphasizes taking care of one’s health.


最近天气不好,多保重身体。 (Zuìjìn tiānqì bù hǎo, duō bǎozhòng shēntǐ.) The weather has been bad recently, take good care of your health.

年纪大了,更要多保重身体。 (Niánjì dà le, gèng yào duō bǎozhòng shēntǐ.) As you get older, you need to take better care of your health.

记得多保重身体,不要熬夜。 (Jìdé duō bǎozhòng shēntǐ, bùyào áoyè.) Remember to take good care of your health and don’t stay up late.

注意身体 (Zhùyì shēntǐ)


This phrase means “Pay attention to your health.”


天冷了,要注意身体。 (Tiān lěng le, yào zhùyì shēntǐ.) It’s getting cold, pay attention to your health.

加班的时候要注意身体。 (Jiābān de shíhou yào zhùyì shēntǐ.) When working overtime, pay attention to your health.

请多注意身体,不要感冒。 (Qǐng duō zhùyì shēntǐ, bùyào gǎnmào.) Please take care of your health and don’t catch a cold.

自己多保重 (Zìjǐ duō bǎozhòng)


This phrase emphasizes personal responsibility for one’s well-being.


出门在外,自己多保重。 (Chūmén zàiwài, zìjǐ duō bǎozhòng.) Take care of yourself when you’re out.

最近压力大,自己多保重。 (Zuìjìn yālì dà, zìjǐ duō bǎozhòng.) With so much pressure recently, take good care of yourself.

不管发生什么,自己多保重。 (Bùguǎn fāshēng shénme, zìjǐ duō bǎozhòng.) No matter what happens, take good care of yourself.

好好照顾自己 (Hǎohǎo zhàogù zìjǐ)


This is a more casual and comforting way to say “Take good care of yourself.”


我不在的时候,你要好好照顾自己。 (Wǒ bù zài de shíhòu, nǐ yào hǎohǎo zhàogù zìjǐ.) When I’m not around, make sure to take good care of yourself.

生病了就好好照顾自己。 (Shēngbìng le jiù hǎohǎo zhàogù zìjǐ.) If you get sick, make sure to take good care of yourself.

远离家人时,记得好好照顾自己。 (Yuǎnlí jiārén shí, jìdé hǎohǎo zhàogù zìjǐ.) When away from family, remember to take good care of yourself.

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