Various ways to say “Never give up” in Chinese

The common expressions

永不放弃 (yǒng bù fàngqì)


This phrase means “never give up” and is the most direct and common way to express perseverance in Chinese. It emphasizes determination and resilience.


无论遇到什么困难,我们永不放弃。 (Wúlùn yù dào shénme kùnnán, wǒmen yǒng bù fàngqì.) No matter what difficulties we face, we will never give up.

在追求梦想的路上,要永不放弃。 (Zài zhuīqiú mèngxiǎng de lù shàng, yào yǒng bù fàngqì.) On the path to pursuing your dreams, never give up.

她永不放弃,总是坚持到最后。 (Tā yǒng bù fàngqì, zǒngshì jiānchí dào zuìhòu.) She never gives up and always persists until the end.

决不放弃 (jué bù fàngqì)


决不放弃 means “never give up” with an emphasis on determination and a strong refusal to quit.


无论发生什么事,我们决不放弃。 (Wúlùn fāshēng shénme shì, wǒmen jué bù fàngqì.) No matter what happens, we will never give up.

在任何情况下,我都决不放弃我的目标。 (Zài rènhé qíngkuàng xià, wǒ dōu jué bù fàngqì wǒ de mùbiāo.) Under any circumstances, I will never give up on my goal.

即使遇到再大的困难,他也决不放弃。 (Jíshǐ yù dào zài dà de kùnnán, tā yě jué bù fàngqì.) Even in the face of the greatest difficulties, he will never give up.

The extended phrases to express “never give up” in Chinese

坚持到底 (jiānchí dàodǐ)


It means “persevere to the end” or “stick to it until the end.” It encourages seeing things through no matter the obstacles.


成功的关键在于坚持到底。 (Chénggōng de guānjiàn zàiyú jiānchí dàodǐ.) The key to success is to persevere until the end.

不管多难,我们必须坚持到底。 (Bùguǎn duō nán, wǒmen bìxū jiānchí dàodǐ.) No matter how hard it is, we must stick to it until the end.

这场比赛我会坚持到底,不会放弃。 (Zhè chǎng bǐsài wǒ huì jiānchí dàodǐ, bù huì fàngqì.) I will persevere until the end in this match and won’t give up.

永不言弃 (yǒng bù yán qì)


It means “never say give up” and is often used in motivational contexts to inspire persistence.


面对任何挫折,我永不言弃。 (Miàn duì rènhé cuòzhé, wǒ yǒng bù yán qì.) I never say give up in the face of any setbacks.

永不言弃的精神是成功的关键。 (Yǒng bù yán qì de jīngshén shì chénggōng de guānjiàn.) The spirit of never giving up is the key to success.

永不言弃是我们团队的座右铭。 (Yǒng bù yán qì shì wǒmen tuánduì de zuòyòumíng.)  “Never say give up” is our team’s motto.

坚持不懈 (jiānchí bùxiè)


This phrase is an idiom meaning “to persist without giving up.” It emphasizes determination and continuous effort.


只要坚持不懈,就一定能成功。 (Zhǐyào jiānchí bùxiè, jiù yídìng néng chénggōng.) As long as you persist without giving up, you will definitely succeed.

他凭着坚持不懈的努力,取得了好成绩。 (Tā píngzhe jiānchí bùxiè de nǔlì, qǔdé le hǎo chéngjì.) Through continuous effort, he achieved good results.

坚持不懈的精神帮助我们克服了困难。 (Jiānchí bùxiè de jīngshén bāngzhù wǒmen kèfú le kùnnán.) The spirit of persistence helped us overcome difficulties.

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