Various ways to say “get better” in Chinese

The common expressions

康复 (kāngfù)


This phrase means “to recover” or “to get better” and is often used in a medical context.


希望你早日康复。 (Xīwàng nǐ zǎorì kāngfù.) I hope you get better soon.

他在慢慢康复。 (Tā zài mànmàn kāngfù.) He is slowly getting better.

医生说我需要时间来康复。 (Yīshēng shuō wǒ xūyào shíjiān lái kāngfù.) The doctor said I need time to recover.

好起来 (hǎo qǐlái)


This phrase literally means “to get better” or “to improve.”


你一定会好起来的。 (Nǐ yīdìng huì hǎo qǐlái de.) You will definitely get better.

天气变暖了,他的病情也好起来了。 (Tiānqì biàn nuǎn le, tā de bìngqíng yě hǎo qǐlái le.) The weather is getting warmer, and his condition is also improving.

她的伤口好起来了。 (Tā de shāngkǒu hǎo qǐlái le.) Her wound is getting better.

The extended phrases to express “get better” in Chinese

恢复 (huīfù)


This phrase means “to recover” or “to get better” and is used in various contexts, including health and general improvement.


希望你能尽快恢复。 (Xīwàng nǐ néng jǐnkuài huīfù.) I hope you can get better soon.

他已经恢复了健康。 (Tā yǐjīng huīfù le jiànkāng.) He has already recovered his health.

手术后她正在恢复。 (Shǒushù hòu tā zhèngzài huīfù.) She is recovering after the surgery.

好转 (hǎozhuǎn)


This phrase means “to improve” or “to get better” and is often used to describe a change for the better in one’s condition.


他的病情开始好转。 (Tā de bìngqíng kāishǐ hǎozhuǎn.) His condition is starting to get better.

最近你的心情有好转吗? (Zuìjìn nǐ de xīnqíng yǒu hǎozhuǎn ma?) Has your mood been getting better recently?

天气好转了,我们可以出去玩了。 (Tiānqì hǎozhuǎn le, wǒmen kěyǐ chūqù wán le.) The weather has improved, so we can go out and play.

痊愈 (quányù)


This phrase means “to be cured” or “to recover completely.”


医生说我需要几个星期才能痊愈。 (Yīshēng shuō wǒ xūyào jǐ gè xīngqī cái néng quányù.) The doctor said I need a few weeks to fully recover.

他的感冒已经痊愈了。 (Tā de gǎnmào yǐjīng quányù le.) His cold has completely recovered.

希望你早日痊愈。 (Xīwàng nǐ zǎorì quányù.) I hope you get well soon.

改善 (gǎishàn)


This phrase means “to improve” and can be used in a broader context, not just health.


他的生活条件正在改善。 (Tā de shēnghuó tiáojiàn zhèngzài gǎishàn.) His living conditions are getting better.

我们的服务在不断改善。 (Wǒmen de fúwù zài bùduàn gǎishàn.) Our services are continuously improving.

我希望这种情况能有所改善。 (Wǒ xīwàng zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng néng yǒu suǒ gǎishàn.) I hope this situation will get better.

快好起来 (kuài hǎo qǐlái)


This phrase means “get better soon” and is often used to wish someone a speedy recovery.


希望你快好起来。 (Xīwàng nǐ kuài hǎo qǐlái.)  I hope you get better soon.

希望孩子们都快好起来。 (Xīwàng háizimen dōu kuài hǎo qǐlái.) I hope all the children get better soon.

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