Various ways to say “Just kidding” in Chinese

The common expressions

开(个)玩笑 (kāi gè wánxiào)


This is the most common way to say “just kidding” in Chinese. It literally means “making a joke” and is used in casual conversations to clarify that what was said was not serious.


别当真,我只是开个玩笑。 (Bié dāngzhēn, wǒ zhǐshì kāi gè wánxiào.) Don’t take it seriously, I’m just kidding.

我刚才在开玩笑,你别生气。 (Wǒ gāngcái zài kāi wánxiào, nǐ bié shēngqì.) I was just kidding, don’t get angry.

你以为我是认真的?我开玩笑的! (Nǐ yǐwéi wǒ shì rènzhēn de? Wǒ kāi wánxiào de!)  You thought I was serious? I was just kidding!

The extended phrases to express “just kidding” in Chinese

闹着玩 (nào zhe wán)


闹着玩 means “just fooling around” or “just kidding.” It’s used in a relaxed, playful way to show that something was not meant to be serious.


我只是闹着玩,别介意。 (Wǒ zhǐshì nào zhe wán, bié jièyì.) I was just kidding, don’t take it to heart.

他在闹着玩,不是真的。 (Tā zài nào zhe wán, bù shì zhēn de.) He’s just fooling around, it’s not true.

别担心,我只是在闹着玩。 (Bié dānxīn, wǒ zhǐshì zài nào zhe wán.) Don’t worry, I’m just kidding.

逗你玩 (dòu nǐ wán) / 逗你呢 (dòu nǐ ne)


逗你玩 or 逗你呢 means “teasing you” or “just messing with you.” It’s a playful way to say that you were joking.


别生气,我逗你玩呢。 (Bié shēngqì, wǒ dòu nǐ wán ne.) Don’t get angry, I’m just teasing you.

你还当真了?我逗你玩呢! (Nǐ hái dāngzhēn le? Wǒ dòu nǐ wán ne!) You took it seriously? I was just messing with you!

我逗你呢,别紧张。 (Wǒ dòu nǐ ne, bié jǐnzhāng.) I’m just teasing you, don’t be nervous.

说着玩的 (shuō zhe wán de)


It means “just saying for fun” or “just joking.” It’s used to clarify that what was said was not intended to be serious.


刚才说的都是说着玩的,别当真。 (Gāngcái shuō de dōu shì shuō zhe wán de, bié dāngzhēn.) Everything I just said was just for fun, don’t take it seriously.

我说着玩的,你别太认真。 (Wǒ shuō zhe wán de, nǐ bié tài rènzhēn.) I was just joking, don’t take it too seriously.

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