Song dynasty warrior-poet and folk hero Yuefei (岳飞) gets a tattoo to remind himself of his duty to his country. This is an “advanced” post for three reasons: one, there
Song dynasty warrior-poet and folk hero Yuefei (岳飞) gets a tattoo to remind himself of his duty to his country. This is an “advanced” post for three reasons: one, there
We saw a packaged yogurt showing this label: We noticed on this label: the product registered trademark 简爱
In an attempt to better communicate some key-contents of the food labeling regulations, SAMR has published a “Picture to understand the label of pre-packaged food” post on their website.
Voluntary and simplified nutrition labels are more and more common all around the world. The general assumption is that mandatory nutritional labels, have become too complicated for the average consumer
Since April 22 Starbucks is serving, in its stores in China, prepackaged meals with plant-based meat ingredients.